
5-second tests vs. the short-term memory

5-second tests vs. the short-term memory
  1. What is the 5 second usability test?
  2. What is first click testing?
  3. How is usability testing performed?

What is the 5 second usability test?

This kind of test provides both quantitative and qualitative feedback that helps you optimize a design. A five second test is run by showing an image to a participant for just five seconds, after which the participant answers questions based on their memory and impression of the design.

What is first click testing?

First Click Testing examines what a test participant would click on first on the interface in order to complete their intended task. It can be performed on a functioning website, a prototype or a wireframe.

How is usability testing performed?

In a usability-testing session, a researcher (called a “facilitator” or a “moderator”) asks a participant to perform tasks, usually using one or more specific user interfaces. While the participant completes each task, the researcher observes the participant's behavior and listens for feedback.

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