
Charts Unlimited data, limited colors

Charts Unlimited data, limited colors
  1. What colors should not be in charts?
  2. How many colors are there in data visualization?
  3. How many colors should you use in a chart or graph?

What colors should not be in charts?

It is confusing and distracting. Also, don't use red and green or orange and green to make comparisons on the same chart. About 10% of men are color blind with red/green being the most common form of color blindness. Orange is close to red, making these colors completely indiscernible.

How many colors are there in data visualization?

Having too many colors can make the data visualization more complex and harder to understand, so it's important to stay within six or fewer different colors so that the color values remain distinct from one another.

How many colors should you use in a chart or graph?

While the use of different colors can help distinguish between different data points, a chart should at most comprise of 6–8 distinct color categories for each of those to be readily distinguishable.

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