
Design version

Design version
  1. What is version control in design?
  2. Why is it important to create multiple versions of a design?
  3. Why version control?

What is version control in design?

Your version control system tracks changes, including the creation and deletion of files as well as edits. The history of changes is an important feature and should include the author, date, and notes on the purpose of each change. Some systems have powerful undo features, so changes can be reverted.

Why is it important to create multiple versions of a design?

Why versioning design is a good idea? Multiple designers can work on the same project, at the same time. Avoid not knowing what is the most recent file in your project. You can go back to latest versions if you need to, and review versions, check project history.

Why version control?

Version control helps teams solve these kinds of problems, tracking every individual change by each contributor and helping prevent concurrent work from conflicting. Changes made in one part of the software can be incompatible with those made by another developer working at the same time.

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