
Differentiate between checkbox and radio button control with suitable example

Differentiate between checkbox and radio button control with suitable example

Checkbox: Checkboxes are also mostly used in HTML forms.
Difference between radio button and checkbox.

Radio buttonCheckbox
It is used when only one option to be selected out of several available options.Checkbox allows one or many options to be selected.

  1. What is the difference between checkboxes and radio buttons give examples?
  2. What is radio button explain with example?
  3. What is checkbox example?
  4. What is the difference between radio and checkbox button in selenium?

What is the difference between checkboxes and radio buttons give examples?

Checkboxes and radio buttons are elements for making selections. Checkboxes allow the user to choose items from a fixed number of alternatives, while radio buttons allow the user to choose exactly one item from a list of several predefined alternatives.

What is radio button explain with example?

Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set. You should use radio buttons for optional sets that are mutually exclusive if you think that the user needs to see all available options side-by-side. If it's not necessary to show all options side-by-side, use a spinner instead.

What is checkbox example?

A checkbox (check box, tickbox, tick box) is a graphical widget that permits the user to make a binary choice, i.e. a choice between one of two possible mutually exclusive options. For example, the user may have to answer 'yes' (checked) or 'no' (not checked) on a simple yes/no question.

What is the difference between radio and checkbox button in selenium?

The main difference between Radio button and Checkbox is that, using radio button we will be able to select only one option from the options available. whereas using checkbox, we can select multiple options. Using Click() method in Selenium we can perform the action on the Radio button and on Checkbox.

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