
Elevator dispatch algorithm choice

Elevator dispatch algorithm choice
  1. Which algorithm is used in elevators?
  2. Do elevators have an algorithm?
  3. How do elevators decide which floor to go?
  4. What is elevator destination dispatch?

Which algorithm is used in elevators?

This is known as the "Circular Elevator Algorithm" or C-SCAN.

Do elevators have an algorithm?

Modern elevators use more complex heuristic algorithms to decide which request to service next. A good example is elevator destination dispatch. It uses an algorithm to decide which car to assign to where and best service times.

How do elevators decide which floor to go?

Instead of simply pressing up or down, people waiting for an elevator can enter a request for a specific floor. Based on the location and course of all the cars, the computer tells the passengers which car will get them to their destinations the fastest. Most systems also have a load sensor in the car floor.

What is elevator destination dispatch?

Destination dispatch is an optimization technique used for multi-elevator installations, in which groups passengers heading to the same destinations use the same elevators, thereby reducing waiting and travel times.

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