
Followup Show Data Gradually or All at Once [closed]

Followup Show Data Gradually or All at Once [closed]
  1. What is the importance of follow up in the sales process?
  2. What is post sales followup?
  3. How many times should you follow up with a prospect?

What is the importance of follow up in the sales process?

Follow-ups ought to be done on a consistent basis. Why? Because you want to build relationships with prospects and ensure they know what your business is all about. Therefore, as soon as you've established a good relationship with a potential customer, it's a requirement that you contact them on a standard basis.

What is post sales followup?

A sales follow-up is what you do after your initial pitch to encourage the prospective customer to take action. Sales follow-ups can be conducted in a number of ways — the most common methods are telephone and email. Mastering your sales follow-up is a critical skill for reps however, many are not following up enough.

How many times should you follow up with a prospect?

So, how many times should you follow up with a prospect? 8 to 12 times or until they say yes. Whichever comes first. It will take discipline and the creation of a follow up system to keep you on track, but it will be well worth it.

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