
How to direct users through a multi-step payment process?

How to direct users through a multi-step payment process?
  1. How do you use multi-step form?
  2. Which is a benefit of using multi-step forms?
  3. What are multi-step forms?

How do you use multi-step form?

A multi-step form is a long form that is broken into multiple pieces. They're used to make long forms, such as shipping or registration forms, less intimidating and daunting. By allowing customers and leads to complete their information in smaller chunks, you create a positive user experience and increase conversions.

Which is a benefit of using multi-step forms?

You can configure a multi-step form to help users complete complicated tasks. For example, instead of having a single, confusing online order form, configure a multi-step form. The multi-step form presents information from the online order form in multiple focused and concise screens.

What are multi-step forms?

A multi-step form is exactly what it sounds like — a long-form broken down into multiple pieces/steps to make an otherwise long form less intimidating for visitors to complete. The additional fields only appear after a visitor has filled in their baseline information, like name and email address.

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