
Input type textarea

Input type textarea
  1. Is textarea in input type?
  2. How to take textarea as input?
  3. Does textarea input type exist in HTML5?
  4. What type is textarea?

Is textarea in input type?

The <textarea> tag defines a multi-line text input control. The <textarea> element is often used in a form, to collect user inputs like comments or reviews. A text area can hold an unlimited number of characters, and the text renders in a fixed-width font (usually Courier).

How to take textarea as input?

To add a multi-line text input, use the HTML <textarea> tag. You can set the size of a text area using the cols and rows attributes. It is used within a form, to allow users to input text over multiple rows. Specifies that on page load the text area should automatically get focus.

Does textarea input type exist in HTML5?

HTML5 introduced a few new attributes which can be used with textarea elements. Here are some of the most important: form : Associates the textarea with a form. Use the ID attribute of the form as the value for the textarea form attributes.

What type is textarea?

The <textarea> HTML element represents a multi-line plain-text editing control, useful when you want to allow users to enter a sizeable amount of free-form text, for example a comment on a review or feedback form.

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