
Is it acceptable/good UX to use ios Segmented Control as a radio control?

Is it acceptable/good UX to use ios Segmented Control as a radio control?
  1. What is segmented control used for?
  2. What are segmented buttons?
  3. What is the radio button on Iphone?

What is segmented control used for?

Use a segmented control to provide closely related choices that affect an object, state, or view. For example, a segmented control can help people switch between views in a toolbar. Avoid using a segmented control to enable actions, such as adding, removing, or editing content.

What are segmented buttons?

M3: Segmented buttons have fully rounded corners, sentence-case text, different height, and new color mappings.

What is the radio button on Iphone?

A radio button displays the setting of something in your application and is part of a group in which only one button can be on at a time. Use a group of radio buttons to choose among several options which are mutually exclusive.

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