
Is it good idea to send user password upon register?

Is it good idea to send user password upon register?

There's no reason to send the user a copy of their password when they register for your service. No reputable website does that.

  1. Is it ever okay to share passwords?
  2. Is it a good idea to pass username and password in get?
  3. Why you shouldn't share passwords?
  4. Is it safe to send passwords over email?

Is it ever okay to share passwords?

"Sharing passwords is a terrible idea," computer security researcher Katie Moussouris, founder of Luta Security, tells Yahoo Life. "One should never do it."

Is it a good idea to pass username and password in get?

Yes, it is bad practice. Any security advantage available by having a secret field name could also be gained by prepending that secret on to the password.

Why you shouldn't share passwords?

You compromise your account security

Even if you trust the person to whom you give your password, they may not store it in a secure location or they might keep it on a compromised device, opening it up to potential theft and thus putting you, your accounts and your private information at risk.

Is it safe to send passwords over email?

When it comes to the secure communication of passwords, you have a few options. Communicate passwords verbally, either in person or over the phone. Communicate passwords through encrypted emails. Sending passwords via unencrypted emails is never recommended.

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