
Linked vs embedded photoshop

Linked vs embedded photoshop

An embedded Smart Object has no connection with the original source image once it's placed into a Photoshop document. On the other hand, when you add a Linked Smart Object to a Photoshop document, that linked layer or layers are still connected to the original document.

  1. Should I place embedded or linked Photoshop?
  2. What's the difference between place embedded and place linked?
  3. What is embedded link Photoshop?
  4. What is a benefit of using a linked Smart Object in Photoshop?

Should I place embedded or linked Photoshop?

1 Correct answer. Basically, linked puts a link to an external file that can be updated, embedded places the smart object inside the file. Basically, linked puts a link to an external file that can be updated, embedded places the smart object inside the file.

What's the difference between place embedded and place linked?

To do this, you either choose File > Place Embedded or File > Place Linked. The main difference between the two options is that when you link a Smart Object, it continues to reference the original file.

What is embedded link Photoshop?

In Photoshop and in any other program… Embedded means «object “contained” in the Work File». Linked means “linked” 😎 to the “object” in its original place - if the original “object” or its original place” are moved, the link is broken and the Work File won't show the “object”!

What is a benefit of using a linked Smart Object in Photoshop?

Linked Smart Objects are useful if you plan to use the same source image across multiple Photoshop projects or you're working with others. This makes it easy to update all instances of your Smart Object when you change the source file.

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