
Linkedin post image blurry

Linkedin post image blurry
  1. Why are LinkedIn post images blurry?
  2. Why do my pictures look blurry after I post them?
  3. What size should a LinkedIn post image be?

Why are LinkedIn post images blurry?

Some Possible Reasons LI Photos are Low Quality:

Make sure your photo is an exact square. If not, the dimensions of the photo may become distorted. Make sure that the photo is at least 400 pixels by 400 pixels. This should be easy, as most high-quality headshots have significantly more resolution.

Why do my pictures look blurry after I post them?

If you are uploading an image with an incorrect aspect ratio, then Instagram will compress and crop the photo. This way, the photo will be of the standard size that is acceptable to upload, but it damages the picture quality, and it looks blurry.

What size should a LinkedIn post image be?

The recommended LinkedIn post size is 1200 x 628 pixels. This LinkedIn image sizing also applies to LinkedIn Showcase pages.

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