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Placeholder text vs. disabled text

Placeholder text vs. disabled text
  1. What is a placeholder text?
  2. Should I use placeholder text?
  3. Is placeholder text accessible?
  4. What can I use instead of a placeholder?

What is a placeholder text?

Text that is set temporarily in place of actual copy is called “placeholder text” or “dummy text.” It often takes the form of “lorem ipsum”—a sequence of words from a work of classical literature that is deliberately intended to not be read (in modern times).

Should I use placeholder text?

Placeholder text can be used as an attribute for almost every HTML input type, and misguided designers and developers don't hesitate. It is tempting to provide text help for complex forms or omit input labels to improve aesthetics. However, employing placeholder text to do so causes many usability issues.

Is placeholder text accessible?

Assistive technologies, such as screen readers, do not treat placeholder text as labels.

What can I use instead of a placeholder?

The p element placed between the label and input elements acts as a replacement for a placeholder attribute.

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