
Poor and good conceptual model [closed]

Poor and good conceptual model [closed]
  1. What is a good conceptual model?
  2. What happens if the users conceptual model does not match the designers conceptual model?
  3. What are the two types of concept models?

What is a good conceptual model?

Conceptual models are designed to help us communicate the underlying intention of our application design. The better the conceptual model relates to users' existing mental models – the easier it is to use the conceptual model to explain what we intend to do with our application.

What happens if the users conceptual model does not match the designers conceptual model?

If the product's conceptual model doesn't match the user's mental model, then the user will find the product hard to learn and use. If the designers of the conceptual model didn't take the user's mental model into account then it is highly likely that the product will be hard to learn and use.

What are the two types of concept models?

Following this, typologies of conceptual models can be divided into two main categories: sequential and structured, nonsequential and unstructured.

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