
Power automate remove connection reference

Power automate remove connection reference
  1. How do I remove a connection reference in Power Automate flow?
  2. How do I update connection references in Power Automate?
  3. What is connection reference in Power Automate?

How do I remove a connection reference in Power Automate flow?

Go to Data > Connections, and select the connection that you want to delete. Select … to view more commands, and then select Delete.

How do I update connection references in Power Automate?

Open the Connection Reference that you wish to modify. Hint: Filter by Owner to get to your reference quickly if you have many to search through. Click on Edit. Select the Dropdown with the existing Connection and re-point it to an existing valid Connection or create a new one.

What is connection reference in Power Automate?

A connection reference is a solution component that contains information about a connector. Both canvas app and operations within a Power Automate flow bind to a connection reference. You can import your connection reference into a target environment with no further configuration needed after the import completes.

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