
React function component

React function component
  1. What is a React function component?
  2. Can React components be defined using functions?
  3. Why do we need function component in React?

What is a React function component?

A React functional component is a simple JavaScript function that accepts props and returns a React element. After the introduction of React Hooks, writing functional components has become the ​standard way of writing React components in modern applications.

Can React components be defined using functions?

React functional components are just normal JavaScript functions; we can create them using specific function keywords. Most developers create functional components using the Arrow function. The functional component's primary purpose is to render the view and the data to the browser.

Why do we need function component in React?

But there are some benefits you get by using functional components in React: Functional component are much easier to read and test because they are plain JavaScript functions without state or lifecycle-hooks. You end up with less code. They help you to use best practices.

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