
Renewal reminders for woocommerce subscriptions

Renewal reminders for woocommerce subscriptions

How to enable subscription renewal reminder emails?

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails.
  2. Look for the 'Subscription renewal reminder' email and click on Manage.
  3. Now enable the email notification to get regular updates.
  4. Provide an email heading and content. ...
  5. Once completed, save the changes made.

  1. Is WooCommerce good for subscriptions?
  2. What is subscription renewal?
  3. What is a renewal reminder?

Is WooCommerce good for subscriptions?

WooCommerce subscription is an excellent way of generating recurring sales from your customers. Also, subscriptions are an important option for setting up recurring billing for digital products sold at membership sites. Subscriptions are often a valid sales option for recurring billing for physical products.

What is subscription renewal?

A subscription renewal happens when a customer keeps their subscription for a product into the next billing cycle (they don't cancel). SaaS businesses typically run on a subscription service model – customers purchase a subscription to a plan that grants them access to the software.

What is a renewal reminder?

A renewal reminder is an email sent approximately 30 days before service expires.

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