
Toast position ux

Toast position ux
  1. What is a toast in UX?
  2. Where should toast messages be placed?
  3. How long should a toast last UX?
  4. What is the difference between toast and alert?

What is a toast in UX?

Toasts display brief, temporary notifications. They're meant to be noticed without disrupting a user's experience or requiring an action to be taken.

Where should toast messages be placed?

They're not like modal dialogs that block the entire screen. Toasts are placed along the edges and corners so that they don't block the center.

How long should a toast last UX?

Toast Notifications should stay on the screen for 5–6 seconds, so that they do not block the information behind them for too long, but allows the user to read the message. They should not be interactive, you don't have to think on it or type on it and should be shown just to inform you with text/icons or both.

What is the difference between toast and alert?

A toast is a small display on the bottom of the screen. A notification is displayed in the top menu bar.

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