
Videos on landing pages

Videos on landing pages
  1. Are videos good for landing pages?
  2. What is video landing page?
  3. How long should a video on a landing page be?

Are videos good for landing pages?

That's where video landing pages come in. Everyone loves video. But it isn't just an effective way to capture—and keep—your visitor's attention. It also drives 86% more conversions, meaning it's a powerful way to get your visitors to take action.

What is video landing page?

What is a video landing page? A video landing page is a web page that uses video as a tool to capture attention and convert visitors. Video landing pages are an amazing way to really WOW visitors when they land on your site.

How long should a video on a landing page be?

I'd recommend shorter videos for landing pages, ideally around 90 seconds – just long enough to convey the essential information about your product or service, but not so long that you risk boring your visitors into bouncing before they convert.

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