
Web app keyboard shorcuts

Web app keyboard shorcuts

Advanced Navigation Shortcut Keys

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + Shift + DelOpens up the clear browser history dialog or settings
Alt + EnterOpen search in a new tab
Ctrl + EnterOpen search term as a website
F12Open developer tools or Firebug

  1. What does Ctrl +J do?
  2. What does Alt +Q Do?
  3. How do I enable keyboard shortcuts on a website?

What does Ctrl +J do?

Ctrl+J Aligns the selected text or line to justify the screen. Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink. Ctrl+L Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen. Ctrl+M Indent the paragraph.

What does Alt +Q Do?

You can combine the Key Tips letters with the Alt key to make shortcuts called Access Keys for the ribbon options. For example, press Alt+H to open the Home tab, and Alt+Q to move to the Tell Me or Search field. Press Alt again to see Key Tips for the options for the selected tab.

How do I enable keyboard shortcuts on a website?

You can add keyboard shortcuts to your page through HTML with the global accesskey attribute and trigger it with Alt + Shift + key in Chrome and Firefox on Windows, or use Control + Alt + key on Mac.

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