
What is address label in crypto

What is address label in crypto

The label for an external bitcoin address is a name that you can use to keep track of the different BTC addresses for your own use. It is not a mandatory field. Account Management and Verification. Deposit / Withdrawal.

  1. What is a wallet label and address?
  2. What is a crypto label?
  3. What is a crypto address description?

What is a wallet label and address?

Wallet labels are how we tag and identify wallet addresses. The exact identity of the owner of the wallet is often times unknown but we categorize wallets and tag them with labels and emojis: Fund, Heavy DEX trader, Legendary NFT collector etc.

What is a crypto label?

The label for an external cryptocurrency address is a name that you can use to keep track of addresses for your own use. It is not a mandatory field.

What is a crypto address description?

The identification of a sender or receiver of cryptocurrency on a blockchain network. Crypto addresses use the public key cryptographic method, which comprises a private-public key pair.

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