
When to display a link as a previously visited link?

When to display a link as a previously visited link?
  1. What is a visited link?
  2. What color will indicate that the link is already visited?
  3. How do I make a link visited?
  4. What is the use of visited in CSS?

What is a visited link?

a link the user has visited (a:visited) Hover Link: a link when the user mouses over it (a:hover)

What color will indicate that the link is already visited?

By default, a link will appear like this (in all browsers): An unvisited link is underlined and blue. A visited link is underlined and purple.

How do I make a link visited?

The :visited selector is used to select visited links. Tip: Use the :link selector to style links to unvisited pages, the :hover selector to style links when you mouse over them, and the :active selector to style links when you click on them.

What is the use of visited in CSS?

The :visited CSS pseudo-class applies once the link has been visited by the user. For privacy reasons, the styles that can be modified using this selector are very limited.

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