
Where to place the '< Back' link or button?

Where to place the '< Back' link or button?
  1. Where should a back button be placed?
  2. Should I put a back button on my website?
  3. Where should back button be on app?
  4. When should a link be a button?

Where should a back button be placed?

Right: back button above the form (good). Some forms or questionnaires appear across multiple pages and some people want to go back to check or change their answers. Unfortunately some users don't trust the browser back button because of their experiences of poorly designed forms that lose data when they click back.

Should I put a back button on my website?

Studies have consistently found that the back button is the second most commonly used navigation mechanism, behind clicking on hyperlinks. It's a must-have website feature that allows users to return to the previous page simply and quickly.

Where should back button be on app?

Since the top left is pretty standard for most apps, this makes it recognizable for the user and therefore easier to find and use. This position is only difficult to reach for mobile devices. That is why the bottom left would also be possible, but the most important option like a next button is at the bottom.

When should a link be a button?

There are differences as to when a button should be used rather than a link. UX Movement wrote an article about this, and they came up with a simple rule: Buttons are used for actions that affect the website's front-end or back-end; links are used for navigation and actions that don't affect the website at all.

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